It’s a combination of the time when you go to and from work.It is the busiest time of the rush hour commute.
It’s a combination of the time when you go to and from work.It is the busiest time of the rush hour commute.

It’s a combination of the time when you go to and from work.It is the busiest time of the rush hour commute.
commuting time.

Example 1: “Oh, the traffic in Seoul during rush hour is unbearable! It took me almost two hours to get to the office this morning.”서울에선 출퇴근 시간 교통정체가 너무 심해.오늘 아침 출근하는데 거의 두 시간이 걸어わかって `I know, Alice!’ I spend a lot of time in traffic every day. It’s tiring.”내 말이! 매일같이 길에서 보내는 시간이 너무 많아. 출퇴근 길이 너무 지쳐.Alice: But don’t start me on the way home! 써터벌터 퇴근길이 걱정돼.
Example 1: “Oh, the traffic in Seoul during rush hour is unbearable! It took me almost two hours to get to the office this morning.”서울에선 출퇴근 시간 교통정체가 너무 심해.오늘 아침 출근하는데 거의 두 시간이 걸어わかって `I know, Alice!’ I spend a lot of time in traffic every day. It’s tiring.”내 말이! 매일같이 길에서 보내는 시간이 너무 많아. 출퇴근 길이 너무 지쳐.Alice: But don’t start me on the way home! 써터벌터 퇴근길이 걱정돼.

rush hourExample 1: After returning home.Hey, Megan! How was your day? 오늘 잘 지냈어?Megan: Hi, Alex! It was crowded.I was stuck in rush hour traffic for nearly an hour.정신없었어. 차가 밀려서 거의 한 시간이나 허비했어.Alex: Well, rush hour can be tough.출퇴근 시간이 만만치 않지.Megan: It’s frustrating. I wish there was a better way to deal with it.정말 짜증 나. 무슨 뾰족한 수가 있으면 좋겠는데..Example 2: My husband calls home and explains that he will be late.Hello, I’m Sophia and Jake.Sophia: Hi, Jake! Are you okay?JA: Oh, I’m stuck in this terrible rush hour traffic jam.퇴근길이 너무 밀는데···…Sophia: What should I do again? “Will this make it to dinner?” 저녁식사에 늦으려나?JAKE: Yeah, it looks like that. It may be delayed for more than an hour. I’m so sorry, Sophia.그럴 것 같은데. 한 시간 정도는 늦겠는데.. Sophia: It’s okay, Jake. It’s okay to drive safely, right? Don’t get stressed out about dinner.어쩔 수 없지. 운전 조심하고. 너무 스트레스받지 말고.“` “Don’t even get me started on” is a phrase that is mainly used negatively, meaning “I shudder just thinking about it.”Example 1 “Oh, don’t let me start on the high cost of living here in a particular area of Seoul.” 울例 특정지역의 비싼 주거비용을 생각하면 끔찍하다.”Please don’t involve me in the struggle to find a parking lot in a busy area like Gangnam.” 남처럼럼 복잡한 곳에서 주차공간 찾을 생각에 걱정돼.”Don’t let me get wet during the summer months of Seoul — it’s unbearable!” “Don’t start me on the beauty of cherry blossoms in Seoul in spring.”It’s suffocating!” 의울 息봄 거리 벚꽃 절경 생각만 해도 너무 좋아。 너무 환상적이야.(긍정적인 표현으로도 쓰입니다.)#Forwarding commuting time #Rushhour #Don’t even start me #간시