라이너 생명치보험청구: 청구방법 안내, 청구서류 및 치과치료확인서 등 파일 첨부

치과 환자분들과 행정 업무 담당자분들이 이 글을 좋아합니다. 임플란트, 틀니, 브릿지 등 보철치료, 크라운치료, 레진, 인/온레이 등 보존치료는 발생하는 비용의 대부분이 국민건강보험이 적용되지 않는 비급여 항목에 해당합니다. 그렇기 때문에 따로 치아 보험에 가입하는 경우가 많습니다. 국내 대부분의 보험사에서 치아보험을 판매하고 있는데, 제 경험상 라이너 생명보험에 치아보험을 가장 많이 가입하신 것 같습니다. 라이너 생명 보험금 청구 시 필요한 서류 등을 안내해 드립니다. 덧붙여서, 저는 라이나 생명과는 아무런 관계가 없고, 본 투고는 참고용으로만 활용해 주세요. 문의사항 : 라이나생명 고객지원(1588-0058) 치과 환자분들과 행정 업무 담당자분들이 이 글을 좋아합니다. 임플란트, 틀니, 브릿지 등 보철치료, 크라운치료, 레진, 인/온레이 등 보존치료는 발생하는 비용의 대부분이 국민건강보험이 적용되지 않는 비급여 항목에 해당합니다. 그렇기 때문에 따로 치아 보험에 가입하는 경우가 많습니다. 국내 대부분의 보험사에서 치아보험을 판매하고 있는데, 제 경험상 라이너 생명보험에 치아보험을 가장 많이 가입하신 것 같습니다. 라이너 생명 보험금 청구 시 필요한 서류 등을 안내해 드립니다. 덧붙여서, 저는 라이나 생명과는 아무런 관계가 없고, 본 투고는 참고용으로만 활용해 주세요. 문의사항 : 라이나생명 고객지원(1588-0058)

목차라이너 생명치아보험청구시 필요서류(첨부파일포함) 보험금청구방법(채널) 및 절차보험금청구시 유의사항(추가서류 등) 목차라이너 생명치아보험청구시 필요서류(첨부파일포함) 보험금청구방법(채널) 및 절차보험금청구시 유의사항(추가서류 등)

※ 보험금 청구에 관한 사항은 라이나생명 홈페이지, 고객지원, 담당플래너 등을 통해 보다 정확하게 안내받기 바라며, 본 게시물은 이러한 경로를 통한 확인이 불가능한 경우 등에 한해 참고용으로 활용하시기 바랍니다. ※ 라이나 생명 고객지원 : 1588-0058 ※ 2022년 10월 기준으로 작성되었으며, 추후 변경될 수 있습니다. 라이너 생명치보험 청구 시 필요서류(첨부파일 포함) ※ 보험금 청구에 관한 사항은 라이나생명 홈페이지, 고객지원, 담당플래너 등을 통해 보다 정확하게 안내받기 바라며, 본 게시물은 이러한 경로를 통한 확인이 불가능한 경우 등에 한해 참고용으로 활용하시기 바랍니다. ※ 라이나 생명 고객지원 : 1588-0058 ※ 2022년 10월 기준으로 작성되었으며, 추후 변경될 수 있습니다. 라이너 생명치보험 청구 시 필요서류(첨부파일 포함)

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Attachment Liner Life_Dental Treatment Confirmation. Computer Save in pdf File Download Attachment Liner Life_Dental Treatment Confirmation. Computer Save in pdf File Download

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In most cases, it corresponds to the information necessary for dental insurance claims. However, additional documents may be required for each type of treatment. Therefore, please read the following as well. Required documents for insurance claims according to the type (form) of dental treatment In most cases, it corresponds to the information necessary for dental insurance claims. However, additional documents may be required for each type of treatment. Therefore, please read the following as well. Required documents for insurance claims according to the type (form) of dental treatment

■ Prosthetic treatment (implants, bridges, dentures) Required documents for insurance claims – dental confirmation – dental records (medical charts) copy – X-Ray or Panomara photographs before/after permanent tooth removal ■ Prosthetic treatment (implants, bridges, dentures) Required documents for insurance claims – dental confirmation – dental records (medical charts) copy – X-Ray or Panomara photographs before/after permanent tooth removal

■ Crown treatment, preservation treatment (resin, inlay, onlay, etc.) Required documents for insurance claims – dental treatment confirmation ■ Crown treatment, preservation treatment (resin, inlay, onlay, etc.) Required documents for insurance claims – dental treatment confirmation

■ Documents required for tooth extraction, pulp treatment (neurotherapy), tartar removal (scaling), alveolar bone transplantation insurance claims – dental treatment confirmation ■ Documents required for tooth extraction, pulp treatment (neurotherapy), tartar removal (scaling), alveolar bone transplantation insurance claims – dental treatment confirmation

■ Major Periodontal Disease Treatment/Radiation Request – Dental Treatment Confirmation – Medical Expense Detail Statement or Medical Remuneration Expense Statement ■ Major Periodontal Disease Treatment/Radiation Request – Dental Treatment Confirmation – Medical Expense Detail Statement or Medical Remuneration Expense Statement

Lina Life Tooth Insurance Claiming Guidelines Lina Life Tooth Insurance Claiming Guidelines

Note 1) If you claim insurance money due to a disaster (injury), there will also be a lot of insurance claims due to disasters (accident) such as biting food, not dental insurance (cavity, periodontal disease, etc.). Therefore, confirmation documents may not be issued, but in this case, a separate document is required, and the details of the accident must be written on the insurance claim. Note 1) If you claim insurance money due to a disaster (injury), there will also be a lot of insurance claims due to disasters (accident) such as biting food, not dental insurance (cavity, periodontal disease, etc.). Therefore, confirmation documents may not be issued, but in this case, a separate document is required, and the details of the accident must be written on the insurance claim.

Example of a claim due to a liner life tooth insurance accident (injury/accident) Example of a claim due to a liner life tooth insurance accident (injury/accident) Example of a claim due to a liner life tooth insurance accident (injury/accident)


Lina Life Insurance’s dental insurance claims can be made through personal computers, mobile apps, faxes, mail, and visits, and the procedures are as follows. I think it is most convenient to take a picture of the necessary documents in advance at the hospital and then charge them by mobile app or fax. ※ Lina Life Insurance Co., Ltd dental insurance claim Fax Number: →02-6944-1200 Lina Life Insurance’s dental insurance claims can be made through personal computers, mobile apps, faxes, mail, visits, etc. The procedure is as follows. I think it is most convenient to take a picture of the necessary documents in advance at the hospital and then charge them by mobile app or fax. ※ Lina Life Insurance Co., Ltd dental insurance claim Fax Number: →02-6944-1200

Source: Lina Life Insurance Home Page Source: Lina Life Insurance Home Page

Source: Lina Life Insurance Home Page Source: Lina Life Insurance Home Page

Other precautions (additional documents, etc.) Other precautions (additional documents, etc.)


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Attachments and Life_Appointment Agreement (Representative Designation) and save computer in pdf file download Attachments and Life_Appointment Agreement (Representative Designation) and save computer in pdf file download

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※ Certificate of registered matters for guardianship of the beneficiary if the beneficiary falls under the category of mental or physical weakness (Certificate of registered matters for guardianship designated by the court’s trial) ※ Certificate of registered matters for guardianship of the beneficiary if the beneficiary falls under the category of mental or physical weakness (Certificate of registered matters for guardianship designated by the court’s trial)


Once again, for your information, I have nothing to do with Liner Life, so please use this post only for your reference. 🙂 *Please provide more accurate information on the Liner Life Insurance website, customer support, and planner, and use this post for reference only if it is impossible to check through these channels. ※ Lina Life Insurance Co., Ltd Customer Support: 1588-0058 ※It was created as of October 2022 and is subject to change in the future. Once again, for your information, I have nothing to do with Liner Life, so please use this post only for your reference. 🙂 *Please provide more accurate information on the Liner Life Insurance website, customer support, and planner, and use this post for reference only if it is impossible to check through these channels. ※ Lina Life Insurance Co., Ltd Customer Support: 1588-0058 ※It was created as of October 2022 and is subject to change in the future.


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