오늘은 삼성 미켈란젤로 스탠드 에어컨 설치하러 왔습니다 빌라는 4층이고 6층에 설치해야 합니다.배관은 기존 빌라를 지을 때 묻어뒀어요 배관청소를 하고 설치를 진행하기로 했는데 기존 에어컨을 철거해보니 0.754p선 하나만 깔려있네요. 그래서 앞에 설치할 때는 접지를 분리해서 2선씩 붙어서 1.5sq를 맞췄네요.하지만 이번 에어컨은 2선이 나오는 에어컨 즉 전원과 통신이 따로 나와야 하는데
그래서 통신선만 따로 깔아야 해요.

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You have to make 1.5sq by connecting 0.75 headlines.

The water hose is attached to the back side, so you don’t need to drain it
It will take longer for the additional hypothesized communication line work. It’s a big problem because I can’t receive the additional amount reasonably

I installed a separate communication line next to the window.

And as you can see, there’s plumbing coming out of the roof end It’s so old that all the finishing tape of the air conditioner piping has come off. I have to roll it all up again. I’ll think about it again, but I’m not going to go to the villa on the fourth floor without an elevator. I’ve been there.It doubles the time, That’s twice as much trouble
Since electricity cannot be drawn, we bring electricity from the air conditioner power source and use a vacuum pump.If you bring a vacuum pump to the sixth floor, there is another temptation that you should have purged it.

When I brought a used air conditioner, I cut it off and untied the flare nut because it didn’t finish the piping properly, and there was water in it. Therefore, we will notify the customer in advance that there is a risk of failure in this case.Of course, I keep it as a video.For vacuum work, even though it is conventional piping, it often drops to 0.5tol
Check the digital manifold gauge for proper pressure.

Check the digital manifold gauge for proper pressure.
32 Galmi-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, with air conditioning screen door#Anyang Air Conditioner Gas Refill #Anyang Air Conditioner Gas Refill #Gwanghwacheon Air Conditioner Gas Refill #GwanghwacheonAir Conditioner Installation #GwanghwacheonAirConditioner Installation #GunpoAirConditionerInstallation #SuwonCoolerRepair #SiheungCoolGasRefillNo languages detected.
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