무식상 사주 생각이 깊어 말을 못하는게 아니라 필요한 말만 하는 것(ft. 상관패인 김성주 아나운서)

Kira’s Open Profile Kira Myeongri Research Institute open.kakao.comAnnouncer Kim Sung-joo, who is the leader of the owner’s team without knowledgeIf you look at announcer Kim Sung-joo’s fortune teller, the boss is hiding in the subconscious of the boss. He gives it to the boss without any knowledge, but the potential of the boss is a big fortune teller. The superior temperament that comes from potential in society and at home is unconscious, so it is easier to speak, have bones, and have a core than the superiority heard. To write the personality of a convenient person, Jeongin, first of the year, you will be thoughtful sometimes like a stepmother, and sometimes like your own mother. This is the advantage of announcer Kim Sung-joo! If it is too much to be fed up with inhumanity, there is a long rumor about stage guns~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.#Kim Sung-jooAnnouncer #Unknowns #ThinkingSage #LeadingSage #ImportantSageSense #SageSageSageSageSageSageSage that doesn’t need to be said #SageSageSageSage that doesn’t say useless things is deep in thought and not able to speak, but only says what is necessary (ft. announcer Kim Sung-joo)Because of this, the media company M, which has not changed in the past and present, has been in various frames to attack people!”Self- counseling” and “how to self-exercise” click

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